Let's Create Virtual reality

From concept to creation let’s create virtual reality experiences that are mind-blowing & fully immersive.

 > Complete “Done For You” Virtual Reality service
 > VR creates powerful engagement
 > Instils real, deep-rooted learning

How you can transform your business with cloned reality

Create virtual reality


Work together, remotely and efficiently. Teamwork in VR is more exciting and enables unconstrained expression, positive environments, and total flexibility and access.

VR training provider


Fully immersive VR experiences allow for long-lasting learning to take place. VR training can be updated with ease making it a cost-effective way to upskill staff on an ongoing basis.

Education Apps

Because of the powerful learning capabilities of Virtual Reality, there’s incredible potential to captivate and educate a range of learners in an immersive experience.

Risk free simulation

Virtual experiences that mimic real-life situations give staff the benefit of hands-on learning, without the all too real risks and hazards, helping to make your workplace safer. 

See what's possible for yourself

How we work?

Like humans, every VR project is different. But here is a broad overview of the key milestones.

We’ll start brainstorming with the team

It’s time to define the scope of the project

Now the real fun begins – it is production time!

WOW! Your epic VR experience is ready to go live

We are New Zealand's leading Virtual Reality Creators

Case study

Cloned Reality has provided software development and consulting services to Lumaten Limited for over 6 years. Maher has always delivered on time and within budget, and most importantly, the outcomes are of the highest quality.

What to expect with cloned reality

Timeline focused VR

Timeline Focused

We know that timelines matter. That's why our expert project management means we deliver on time, every time.

VR changes behaviour

Changes behaviour

Our VR projects profoundly change behaviour. By triggering unconscious associations, we trick the mind into deeper patterns and the foundations of behaviour mechanics.

Quality Virtual Reality

Quality Results

Yes, our tech is super cool. And, the virtual reality experiences we create are mind-blowing. It's no gimmick, just an incredibly powerful way to get impressive results.

Best VR studio NZ

NZ VR Leaders

With 15+ years of industry experience and a notable portfolio of work behind us we're proud to be leading the way with virtual reality in New Zealand.